
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Thom Nickels interview.
Rain storm. Northern Liberties in Philadelphia.
“Gone are the days where you go to a bar and there’s just the sound of conversation.”
What we were drinking: Thom had Coors Light, and plotting on French wine. Chunjay drinking PBR and bourbon, the Philadelphia “City Wide Special.”
Sharing a memory of a Russian New Year mishap.
Thom’s faith past. Roman Catholicism, agnosticism-atheism, Orthodoxy. Walking out on Ash Wednesday.
“My father tried to break down my door, because he wanted me to stop reading.”
Discovering his sexuality, discovering gay bars.
On 1969/1970: “To announce that you were gay to your family then, was really paramount to saying you had a mental illness. Nobody talked about it.”
Working in the hospital.
Falling in love with all the wrong people. One night stands. Collecting experiences. On marijuana and drugs.
The Gay Liberation Movement. The Black Panthers.
Homosexuality in black and Latino communities. His first partner was black.
On pacifism. Bringing his partner home to his family.
On wrestling with homosexuality and faith.
“The whole concept of a gay emotional life, a gay person, didn’t exist then.”
“Were we to be in an automobile accident, and were a priest to come to our bedside, we would confess our ‘gay sins,’ as it were.”
“We are all slaves to our baptism. I can’t entirely liberate myself.”
“Certainly promiscuity, wild ‘Don Juan’ promiscuity, whether you’re gay or straight, it may feel wonderful, you get a diverse hors dvours sense of tasting of the lights when the moon is full…. But falling in love changes the speedometer.”
“I think that promiscuity whets your appetite for more promiscuity. Once you’ve opened those doors, really really wide, it’s really hard to go back and settle for one person.”
St. Mary of Egypt and promiscuity.
Visiting an older gay man in the hospital who was near death.
Chunjay introduces "Bad Haircuts" and misremembers the age of a girl mentioned in the song.
“Bad Haircuts” Demo by Royal Ruckus from Seventeen Candles, free at http://noisetrade.com/royalruckus
Chunjay talks about Samson Society.
Straight men with same-sex attraction. Does bisexuality exist? “Situational homosexuality.” A band-aid.
“Some straight men, let’s face it, are so tired of doing what society expects, worshiping and pleasing the woman.”
“When you go to situations where there’s no emotional connection, that feeling of let down will easily turn into disgust, because there’s no real human connection. You’ve both used each other as a way to get off. That’s when our higher selves, our spiritual nature, reminds us that we’re not total machines, we’re not sexual robots.”
How Thom found his way back to faith in Christ. Considered being a monk or a priest. An experience at a Benedictine monastery. His work as a writer, exploring reincarnation and New Age thinking.
The death of a friend.
On Western Rite Orthodoxy.
“The Lone Gunmen” by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas LP.
On being a newspaper writer. Being the first openly gay writer in the mainstream press? Death threats.
Should gay men grow beards?
On transgender issues.
On writing gay fiction.
Chunjay’s experience in 2002 with a gay bookstore. The shifting culture.
50 Shades.
My Father the Devil. Important people in Philadelphia.
Biography of writer Dominic Dunn.
Find Thom Nickels at Philadelphia Magazine online, HuffPost, Icon Magazine, and buy his books at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.
On dancing to rap music. Disco dancing is great.
"Rhymer's Block" by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP. Video available at http://summerofthecicadas.com/videos
Mentions: St. Michael the Archangel Russian Orthodox Church, James Joyce’s "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, Elizabeth Taylor’s film Ash Wednesday, Janis Joplin, Woodstock, Macklemore, The Pirate Monk Podcast, Milo Yiannopoulos, Bill Clinton, Thom Nickels’s Walking on Water book, The 6000 Beards of Mt. Athos book, Allen Ginsberg, Joan Baez, Bishop Spong, The Get Down on Netflix, more.

Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
What are we drinking? Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale
Avocado farm in Hawaii.
We met at church. Urn of FSU.
“Within two minutes. You guys didn’t even wait. It was like a hit-up. I got tag-banged at church by two white guys.”
What is a tagging crew?
The sociology and psychology of graffiti.
The many kinds of graffiti artists. Nerds, skaters, ghetto dudes, preps, goths.
“It’s an insecurity. You’re doing something. You’re saying, ‘I’m here.’”
How Peas got into higher-level graffiti.
Self-destructive faze led to getting into more artistic graffiti.
Tame from Artifacts.
Chunjay getting his record collection taken away by his parents. Artifacts wrecked that.
Old dudes doing graffiti.
“Instead of going to the golf course, they go buy Krylons. Rustos, actually, to be exact. Krylons suck.”
“Wrong Side of the Tracks” by Artifacts.
On the scene in Bakersfield, looking at Tame’s mural, as well as some messed up sloppy murals over other people’s murals.
“Concrete Art Gallery” by Royal Ruckus featuring Yoda.
A break-up, some moves, a car accident.
Difficult times in Peas’s life.
How he got back into graffiti, and why he thinks it matters.
How to date a girl and tell her you do graffiti.
About God.
“Heaven’s what you make it, hell’s what you’re going through.”
“I don’t go to church… But I believe in God… A lot of the downfall in my life was me being an idiot, you know, and making wrong decisions, and taking responsibility for your actions.”
On losing a “career” several times. Looking
“When I look at my life, what did God teach me? What is the main thing that God taught me? To be humble and to be grateful and thankful for the stuff I was blessed with in my life.”
“I was a hard-headed mother fucker.”
On Jesus: “That’s still the battle for me…. We’re sinners, we’re ‘condemned’… ‘I’m a piece of shit’…. I don’t believe that. So what I’m saying is, that one’s hard for me. But I do believe there is a God.”
“The afterlife thing? I don’t know, because I ain’t in it.”
“I just don’t know. I’m not gonna say it didn’t happen, I’m not gonna say it did happen. I’m not sure… I know there’s God. And I believe he teaches you things.”
Friend zone?
“Graffiti Art” by Sharlok Poems and Soup the Chemist from the LP Left.
Favorite taco? Cabeza y tripas.
The Taco Gauntlet.
Duck fat fries.
Temblor 661 Kolsch.
The transition from 805 to 661 in our area.
Trim beard care? Coworkers on some haterade stuff.
RZA “Can’t Stop Me Now”
Shout outs: Jeb Wilson of Nashville Photography Group, JNCO, Fear of DCV (Death Crown Villians), http://facebook.com/tacogauntlet, True Legends Thursdays, Change of Mind Podcast,
Background music by Wu-Tang.

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
If you heard the first part, you'll be really excited about this episode. Because this is the fun stuff.
Listen to this one. Because, seriously this is the good stuff.
Universal salvation? Steve discusses hell. “It’s a good thing I’m not God.”
Meet the girl. Get the girl. Lose the girl. Contemplate death. - Garabed Sarkessian
“The Pressure is On (Showdown)” by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP
How Steve drinks his scotch, and enjoys gin and tonic.
Bourbon, honey, and lemon juice cocktail that Chunjay had.
PBR - “I’m not a hipster, but I do enough to keep them guessing.”
Steve on smoking pipes.
Steve on beard care.
Royal Ruckus hand-made beard oil for sale.
On guns, martial arts, and self-defense.
On wearing all black.
Steve’s pets. Moo the Turtle.
Steve’s podcast, Steve the Builder, and why he isn’t podcasting much right now.
“Love Slave” by Royal Ruckus featuring kidDEAD from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
On “falling in love” while married.
On an emotional affair: “It was so incredibly consuming.”
“I would have remarried my ex…. This was more about me than it was her. It was like, why am I falling for this type of woman?”
On an obsession with a woman you meet casually.
“Anytime I find myself in a relationship and something’s going wrong, something’s going screwy…it’s like what is inside of me that it’s dragging out.”
On Chunjay’s ex-father-in-law. On saying goodbye to someone forever.
On reading books. On listening to music. On watching TV.
“I live in my own head in silence for the most part.”
“Try putting down all the books. Try putting away all the media. All the noise, all the sound, all the background stuff, and live in silence. Give that a try.”
On Facebook and getting sucked into comment-box wars.
On the meaninglessness of so much mainstream entertainment.
“Our ‘inner culture war’ is to extricate ourselves from that kinda shock that it takes for us to feel something about anything.”
Closing song: "Time for Us" by Royal Ruckus (featuring Maddy Montes and Bonafide of GRITS) from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
Shouts: St. Anthony’s monastery in Florence, AZ, Steve the Builder Podcast on mediocrity, The Lost Book of Mormon: A Quest for the Book That Just Might Be the Great American Novel, Samson Society, Costco liquors, Fr. Deacon Aaron Scott Taylor, Dragoon Brewery in Tucson, PBR, Primo (Hawaiian beer), Fire from Ashes book with Fr. Joseph Honeycutt, Father Knows Best,

Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Special Episode: Hurricane Irma
Chunjay was planning on staying in South Florida.
The decision to leave. #EvacuationTour.
Coming home to Florida. Fence down. Lost food. Paleo stuff.
Seven Lakes, NC: Shout out to Matt and Patty Bianco. House show.
IOCC Disaster Relief. 92 cents on the dollar goes to the people they are serving.
Washington, DC. Shout to Peter and Jess Dimmick, and Kyle and Nik Pool.
Drinking moonshine and IPAs.
Offer: make a donation to a charity for disaster relief, send us your receipt, we will send you free stuff. Email the receipt to Jamey@jameyb.com.
Philadelphia, PA. Shout out to Yards Brewery.
Shouts to Garabed and Monique Sarkessian.
“I am of the belief that every house should have at least one piece of original artwork.”
On playing a church coffee hour. On “He Spread His Arms” from the Royal Ruckus album, Rumors of Our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated.
Ephrata, PA: The Keiths’ show at St. Boniface Brewing Company. Potluck!
Ron Jon the rapper. Robyn Atticks. Kairos band.
Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick in Emmaus.
Trivia night with the Keiths.
Monongahela, PA: The Provans and Broughs.
Doing Q&As with audiences.
Stephen Maynard in Erie, PA.
Fr. Matthew Moore from Whiskerino. Chunjay’s skull beard tattoo.
The Craigs in South Carolina.
Daniel and Jenny Larkin in north Florida.
Bold City Mad Manatee IPA.
Days Inn in Fernandina Beach, FL.
Take a shot of vodka!
“Jacked up on These Girls” by Royal Ruckus, featuring KRUM and Joey the Jerk of LA Symphony.
Shout to Mara Henderson. Seeing people’s faces during a performance.
A story about Anglican priest Fr. Heath McClure, evacuation, and care for friends.
Breaking news: Landfall in Florida is inevitable.
Flatline texted Chunjay with loving comments.
On Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers clip at the end of our song “These Things Remind” from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
The 143 story.
Shout out to Jeb Wilson and Savannah Edwards.
“More of the Same” by Royal Ruckus and David Mathewes from The Summer of the Cicadas.
Shouts: McCreary’s Irish Pub in Franklin, TN, Todd Collins, KJ-52, John Reuben, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Upper Darby, The Extreme Tour, Ben-Hur movie, Waze app, Johnny Simmons,
Music: Instrumentals from The Summer of the Cicadas

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
How we met.
Demonic attacks in a monastery. “Logosmoi” and the ego.
“Fuck it if it didn’t happen again.”
“Jerusalem Syndrome”
Steve plays Jesus.
Olivia Chug makes herself known.
“Shipwreck” by Cookbook & Uno.Mas from The Roberson Bullies EP
Steve has an affair.
“It was at that point that I knew that my own sense of who I am and my own sense of my spiritual life and my own sense of how to be a Christian is never to be trusted.”
“I never doubted my Christian faith. For me that has just been a given in my life…. I have never really thought about “Am I saved?’”
“I know that there is a god. I don’t experience God. I don’t, in a sense, consciously think about God.”
Steve works in absolute silence.
“I don’t consciously pray. I just live in a sense of this presence of God. It’s there. It’s nothing spectacular. It isn’t even something that I feel.”
“I am grateful for the good things, and I don’t look for the judgment of God in the bad things. I’m grateful for the good things, and I wrestle through the bad things. But I don’t attribute them to a malevolent or benevolent god who is looking at my life going, ‘Oh you did good there, Steve, here’s your brownie.’”
“We Are the Music Makers” by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
All things are meant for our salvation. We should look to difficulties as opportunities for growth.
“If I start attributing good and evil to God, then it almost puts me in a position of manipulating God for less of one and more of another.”
“Am I going to take this as an opportunity to be loving and kind, or am I going to be a jerk?”
Chunjay talks about Samson Society.
“When somebody comes in broken and needing help, those are actually the people that are the most helpful.” - Chunjay
“Samson (You Are Not)” by Royal Ruckus featuring Brotha SouL from Rumors of Our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Chunjay on daily devotionals.
On the importance of prayer and the struggle to maintain it.
Steve’s struggle with church services. On structured services.
“This year, Lent just sucked.” - Chunjay
Steve’s multi-generational household.
Steve talks about his grandchildren.
Steve’s priorities.
On excommunication and adultery.
“I screwed up big. Really big.”
On Church of Christ practices related to marriage and divorce.
“Everything I believed about myself was all turned to crap. And I kinda realized I was full of crap.”
“Next Best Thing” by Royal Ruckus from Self-Titled. Available for free at http://noisetrade.com/royalruckus
Steve on being driven out of a church.
“I don’t think I could walk away from God and Christ permanently.”
“Easily Forgotten” by Royal Ruckus featuring Pigeon John, from Pocket Lint and Spare Change. Available for free at http://noisetrade.com/royalruckus

Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Divorce, Dope Christian Hip-Hop, and Orthodoxy
DJ Trey-Qel from Future Shock
How we know each other
The name DJ Trey-Qel-Drama comes from Star Wars!
Liner notes!
How Future Shock started from three different rap groups. One crew, a family.
“I started stealing records from my parents and scratching them, ruining our turntables, trying to make the scratch sound.”
How Future Shock came together with the Tunnel Rats with the help of Pigeon John.
“A Place Called Hip-Hop” by LPG, beat by DJ Trey-Qel and Peace 586.
Where the podcast was recorded: Newport Beach, CA on top of a house right on the beach.
Reminiscing about a Bible study one night in Oceanside, CA where the whole Future Shock crew was present.
Jayson was a DJ *AND* a rapper. “Once you’re an emcee, you’re always an emcee.”
Chunjay wanted to be a DJ but became a rapper, and Trey-Qel wanted to be a rapper but became a DJ.
Hyborean Warriors side crew, featuring Man of War, Sintax.the.Terrific, Absent Minded, Sundance, Gypsy (RIP), and Trey-Qel.
“Rejected” by Man of War with the Hyborian Warriors.
Time for shipwrecks! Divorce. Self-righteousness?
“We were married and we took those vows and everything. But looking back on it, it was as though we were high school kids dating for a long time who broke up.”
“It’s a shipwreck, ‘cause it really IS a shipwreck. I became a man out of that, that really woke me up. I was thoroughly humbled.”
Going through a divorce at the same time as Ajax.
“The Wind” from the Fashion Expo project by Trey-Qel and Ajax of Future Shock.
More about divorce.
Jeremiah Dirt’s album release party, LA Symphony, and Future Shock.
“San Diego” by Brainwash Projects
Shadow of the Locust’s three volume release.
Royal Ruckus and the liner notes fiasco, as well as naming our album “Self-Titled.”
Dax’s party house with open mics, Pigeon John, and a battle between Raphi aka Shamesworthy and Poetic Lee, Soup the Chemist, etc.
“Can’t Wait” by SFC featuring Poetic Lee from A Saved Man in the Jungle.
Chunjay met SFC when he was 12 at a Christian bookstore.
The time that Soup the Chemist came to Nashville and stayed with Royal Ruckus, along with a bunch of others.
What are we drinking? Mission Brewery Shipwrecked Double IPA, Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Milk Stout from Oceanside, CA, with Pig’s Nose Blended Scotch Whiskey.
“Rap Is Not Music, Son” by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas Double LP.
Jayson’s conversion to Orthodoxy. His questions from where he was.
Disclaimers: Non-Orthodox people often really love the Lord and are great people.
Shout out to Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick’s Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy podcast, blog, and book.
Hip-Hop Pet Peeves: Mumble rap.
We gotta pee off the top of the roof!
“Scandalan” by Future Shock from the album, Remember the Future.
What is the current state of hip-hop? You just gotta know where to find it.
“Olympian” by Propaganda from the album Crooked.
Chunjay’s view on artistry and appreciating people where they are coming from.
“Is it fresh?”
An anecdote from Chunjay.
“I’m not used to being the best rapper in the building… But I was like, dangit, I want to take the microphone and dis these guys.”
Rap over your own CD.
What podcasts are you into? “I listen to a lot of finance podcasts these days.”
Adventures in Finance Podcast.
Ancient Faith Radio “Station of Podcasts”: “The Morning Offering” by Abbot Tryphon.
Chunjay shouts out to Luke Nieuwsma for visiting the monastery.
Favorite rap song of all time? Freestyle Fellowship’s “7th Seal.”
Jayson curates @BeatsRhymesCuts! Check it out now!
Shout outs: Cookbook & Uno.Mas of LA Symphony, Jeremiah Dirt of Shadow of the Locust and his albums “Plague” and “A War to Restore,” Faze, Berean Christian Bookstore, Technic 1200s, EPMD “You Gots Ta Chill,” Freedom of Soul, House of Pain, Cypress Hill, Funkdoobiest, DJ Muggs, Brainwash Projects, Pigeon John, LPG, Peace 586, SFC’s “A Saved Man in the Jungle,” Dynamic Twins, The Bible Answer Man Radio Broadcast, 12th Tribe, Shadow of the Locust, Redcloud, Malachi Perez, Fros’T, Feed Magazine, Anglican Christianity, Father Andrew Stephen Damick’s Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives by Elder Thaddeus, shout to Dropjaw, Philly’s Mad Squablz, Latasha Alcindor, Propaganda and his album “Crimson Cord,” and so on.
Background music by J.Rawls, Lupe Fiasco.

Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Not safe for work, ya turkey.
Hanging out at Peter Winsky’s house.
Game of Thrones references we don’t understand.
The guys take a shot of Jameson together. They’re also drinking water.
Other drinks: Two Hearted Ale by Bell’s Brewery. Popfuji by Brouwerij West in San Pedro.
On beards. On growing hair with Flynn Adam.
Star Wars. Lots of Star Wars. More Star Wars.
“As far as me and my house, we will serve the Force.”
The political side of Star Wars.
Rogue One. Ewoks. Oh my.
About films and music: find your niche; do your thing. Add a personal touch.
Royal Ruckus Christmas Postcards
“Presente!” by Cookbook and Uno Mas from C & U Music Factory album.
Chunjay tells a urination story about him and Peter.
Peter and Cookbook talk at length about Game of Thrones.
“Phantom Menace” by Cookbook and DJ Rhettmatic from the Phantom Menace EP.
Next drink: “It smells like Tang and beer in here.” Colt 45 Pile Driver beer.
“Tang” by Bob & Tom.
LA Symphony was known as Christian dudes, right? No Christian gimmicks.
LA Symphony history. Clubs, bars, church shows, and so on.
On the unique nature of church shows vs. mainstream shows.
“Broken Tape Decks” by LA Symphony from the unreleased album, Call it What You Want.
LA Symphony as “the bad boys” of Christian rap.
“In life you choose what you do and what you don’t do. We weren’t making good choices, we were letting it happen to us instead of saying, ‘No, we dictate who we are and how we present our brand.’”
“The one rule we always obeyed as LA Symphony is basically, ‘Keep it real.’ So whatever we felt, we were allowed to talk about it. But there were rules, there were parameters…”
Cookbook’s journey out of Christianity.
“We’re all still on a journey. I don’t claim to know anything. Really.”
“Like nobody knows, really knows, what happens after you die. Nobody knows that. You know who knows? My dad. You know why? Because he’s dead.”
Clip from “Where Will I Go When I Die?” by self-proclaimed Christian rapper from the 80s, Stephen Wiley, from his album Rap it Up!
How Cookbook started questioning his Christian faith.
On questioning prayer. Living in gratitude.
“California Grit” by Royal Ruckus, featuring Cookbook, Uno Mas, and Manchild of Mars Ill from the Rumors of Our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated LP.
Cookbook’s feelings about death while he was a Christian.
“I don’t think that nothing is out there. I just don’t know what he or it is.”
Cookbook on why he doesn’t pray anymore.
Olivia Chug voices her opinion.
On Islam, non-Christians, and hell? Religious faith in cultures.
People who claim to know with certainly? Cookbook says you’re “arrogant and full of shit.” J
“Blood Suckin’ Freaks” by Cookbook & Blu, featuring KRUM (formerly Playdough) from the Yes EP.
Cookbook wants to know what’s up with denominations.
Chunjay on the historical road of Eastern Orthodoxy. On Roman Catholicism.
Cookbook pushes back on Biblical authority and Christian denominationalism.
“The God of the Gaps.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_the_gaps
“I live by Biblical principles. I feel like you can bank on that. ‘You reap what you sow.’ You can bank on that, that’s true. How you treat others, you know, and giving love and all those things, you know, serving people, those things’re important and you can live by those things.”
“Little Shirts” (Remix) from the Cookbook & Uno Mas Stereo-Types LP.
“Do you ever fear death?”
“We all die, so it’s about how we live.”
“Do you ever miss the Jesus story?”
“What’s your favorite taco?”
On mofongos and pasteles.
Hip-hop pet-peeves?
Game of Thrones podcasts are awesome.
Socials: @cookbookthepr
Favorite rap song? Slum Village “Fall in Love”
Shout outs: C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, Dewar’s ice cream and candy shop, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Steve Taylor, KJ-52, Lecrae, and Rootbeer (Pigeon John and Flynn Adam), Really Tho??!! Podcast, Stereo-Types Radio Show.
Background music: The 37th Chamber by El Michels Affair, and Wu-Tang’s The 36th Chamber.

Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Bob Lutzick Show Notes
How do we know each other?
On friendliness to visitors in a church.
Homeless hate law: food sharing ban in Philadelphia.
The ministry of 12 Baskets in Center City Philadelphia.
A similar ban arose in Fort Lauderdale.
Chunjay and Bob used to be neighbors.
“Resolution” by Royal Ruckus from The Summer of the Cicadas.
Chunjay still can’t say Bob’s last name.
Bob’s brain tumor.
Overcoming bullying.
Chunjay's anti-bullying gang in elementary school.
Clip from “A Boy Named Sue” by Johnny Cash
“It was tough. It was a real tough situation. But I think that’s the things that get you through life. When you get through obstacles, issues, struggles.”
Bob’s Master’s Degree in Elementary Counseling.
Obstacles with running.
On breaking bones.
Bob’s running medals.
On being raised Catholic and then finding the Orthodox Church.
Struggling within Orthodoxy.
Bob’s struggle with his own sexuality.
“Shipwreck” by Cookbook and Uno.Mas off The Robertson Bullies EP
Bob discusses his homosexuality and his move to celibacy.
Olivia interrupts the podcast.
“I’ve shed my past…. I didn’t abandon my friends, but I did abandon my lifestyle.”
On self-regulation, limitations, and boundaries.
What we’re drinking. Luksusowa Vodka, Austin Eastciders, Bromley tea.
On sugar and losing weight. Cutting back on sugar. Even juice!
On beards, and the beards that don’t fully connect.
Favorite rap song of all time?
Chunjay discusses Treach as a dope emcee.
Props to “Rap Is Not Music Son”
Shout outs to: 12 Baskets Full of Hope, A Boy Named Sue, South Philly Taproom, headcheese tacos, Whiskerino, Spice-J and the Protomen.

Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
In this third episode of Brews, Beards, & Shipwrecks, Jamey sits down with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick to discuss his life growing up as a child of Protestant missionaries, his journey into Orthodoxy and the priesthood, and about how much he can't stand rap music. Fr. Andrew is the author of several books, the host of several podcasts, the father of several children, the husband of one wife, and the pastor of one church.
"Brews Beards & Shipwrecks" Theme Song by Royal Ruckus.
What’s your deal?
The difference between a “pastor” and a “priest.”
On cassocks and magic.
The calling of humanity is to be “priests.”
Interconnectedness of relationships.
Can’t you pray right now? Why do you need a church?
Part of being human is a drive for community.
Experiencing the divine in nature vs. coming together in community to experience the divine together.
“It’s actually easier for me to pray in that liturgical context with other people, than it is for me to try to keep up a prayer rule on my own.”
Fr. Andrew’s childhood years as a missionary kid.
His dad was in the Navy, then they became missionaries to Guam.
Becoming Orthodox. Dad’s concerns about Orthodoxy.
No crisis of faith, but sort of hit a lull in his faith. “Once saved, always saved.”
The Baptist “Liturgy” and “Just As I Am.”
Mega church and Triangle Tim and Tina.
The Man Behind the Curtain—Disillusionment with Protestantism.
“Ode on a Grecian Urn" by John Keats.
The search for beauty.
“Shipwreck" by Cookbook and Uno.Mas from The Robertson Bullies EP.
A conversation with a friend. Searching Orthodoxy online.
First visit to an Orthodox Church.
“I remember seeing that and having a sense that heaven met earth. That God was somehow in that room in a way that I had never been able to sense before.”
An Irish Catholic break-up story.
Seminary and priesthood and changing religion scared the girl off.
The 3-5 year crisis mark for converts.
A graduation gift: traveling to England on pilgrimage.
Meeting Met. Anthony Bloom.
Jamey’s solidifying his break with Protestantism and Anglicanism.
Anniversary of Tolkien’s Fellowship of the Ring.
On Mormonism.
“Departures” by Royal Ruckus, featuring Shedlyn, Jeremiah Bonds, and Kalvin Coolidge. From The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
On the Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy book.
On the An Introduction to God book.
Upcoming book: Bearing God, a book about St. Ignatius of Antioch.
The Areopagus podcast with Pastor Michael Landsman.
On religion and secularism.
On coffee: drip, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Ethiopian coffee.
On “The Latte Show” song by Royal Ruckus, from the Self-Titled LP. Available free at http://noisetrade.com/royalruckus.
Fr. Andrew recommends a latte with honey and almond syrup.
Beard care tips.
Fr. Andrew’s favorite rap song?
“I affirm you even though I can’t stand that part of what you’re doing. For me, rap is like someone shouting or screaming in my face.”
Snippet of “Pray” by MC Hammer.
Watching 8Mile with Fr. Andrew. On battle rap.
On Weird Al.
“White and Nerdy” by Weird Al Yankovic
Background instrumentals by J-Dilla. Honorable mentions: “Ode on a Grecian Urn" by John Keats, Michael Scott from The Office, Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings, Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy book, Introduction to God book, Bearing God, Areopagus Podcast, How (Not) to Be Secular by James K.A. Smith.

Friday Jul 28, 2017
Friday Jul 28, 2017
In this second episode of Brews, Beards, & Shipwrecks, Chunjay sits down after a concert he played at The Bottleneck in Lawrence, KS with Kansas rap artist, John "Whyte Lyte" Deterding. White Lyte was born to a mother on drugs, and he was taken into foster care with white parents in a small Kansas town, who eventually adopted him and raised him in the Lutheran Christian faith.
They talk about Whyte Lyte's joy over adversity, challenges he has faced as a man living with Cerebral Palsy, and how he has turned CP into a force for positivity and helping others with depression, with a special interest in helping those who are at-risk for suicide. They also talk about hip-hop, battle rapping, what it means to be a "Christian rapper," and using "spitting bars" to make a difference in the lives of others.
“Brews, Beards, and Shipwrecks” theme song by Royal Ruckus.
“Shipwreck” by Cookbook and Uno.Mas from the Roberson Bullies EP.
Who is Whyte Lyte?
Chunjay talks about Bakersfield and Royal Ruckus.
What is Christian rap? What does it mean?
How Royal Ruckus figured out how to relate to that.
Whyte Lyte started making raps in church to stay alert and deal with ADHD.
Cussing in music, cussing in life?
Rapping in church vs. bars?
On Lutheran Christianity.
More on Christian rap.
Crack cocaine = “the white made me” and “the white raised me.”
Dropjaw walks in and *imposes* himself on the conversation.
"A Letter to Live #ConstantlyPositive" by Whyte Lyte. Available at https://whytelyte.bandcamp.com/
Whyte Lyte’s biological mother was on cocaine, tells his story.
Whyte Lyte spits bars.
“Know Hope”/The Color Morale metal group/suicide prevention.
Props to A. Ward, a Christian battle rapper.
Snippet from an A. Ward battle.
Battle rap and word play.
How Whyte Lyte views CP: "I have many more blesses than curses, and I throw them all on verses."
Whyte Lyte discusses how he turned "disability" into joyful abilities.
Anxiety problems, "concealed depression," and how things falling apart made everything come together.
Chunjay discusses his divorce, and how it helped Royal Ruckus make a comeback.
Chunjay outlives his father in number of days alive on earth, and introduces the next song.
"Lost Boys" by Chunjay of Royal Ruckus, featuring Cookbook, Eligh, and Chris Felix, from The Summer of the Cicadas double LP.
A discussion of beards, and Whyte Lyte's experience as a man child.
Whyte Lyte and Dropjaw's friendship.
Cerebral Palsy, friendships, and theme park advantages.
Falling and not needing sympathy.
Heart Support - http://heartsupport.com/
Hip-Hop Pet-Peeve: Rapping over vocals.
A cricket joins the podcast.
Google #ConstantlyPositive project.
Hope for the Day organization http://hftd.org.
Dropjaw is drinking Dos Equis Amber.
Chunjay is drinking Guinness and cheap whiskey. On a proper Guinness pour.
Why Whyte Lyte doesn't drink.
Chunjay's Bluetooth water bottle.
Whyte Lyte loves Heath McNease.
Whyte Lyte's favorite rap song of all time:
"Nintendo Thumb" by Heath McNease from The Heath McNease Fan Club Meets Tonight.
Chunjay discusses Chester Bennington's suicide and plugs http://hftd.org.
Props: Bakersfield, GalleryCat, recovery groups, Martin Luther, The Color Morale metal group, Dropjaw, A.Ward, Cash Hollister, http://heartsupport.com/, http://hftd.org, Heath McNease.