
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
In this inaugural episode of Brews, Beards, & Shipwrecks, Chunjay sits down before a concert he played at The Bottleneck in Lawrence, KS with Kansas rap artist, Kory "Dropjaw" Pederson. They talk about using hip-hop as a force for good, discuss the current state of hip-hop music and technology, helping other hip-hop artists, and explore what means to be a "Christian rapper," especially when a Christian rapper loses his Christianity. They also talk about beard care, and beers.
"Brews, Beards, and Shipwrecks" theme song by Royal Ruckus. Lyrics and vocals by Chunjay. Music by Flatline.
"Shipwreck" by Cookbook and Uno.Mas from the Robertson Bullies EP.
First segment:
- Who is Dropjaw?
- His interest in youth ministry and helping at-risk youth
- Hip-hop stuff on Netflix
- Acts they were playing with that night
- Crazy and amazing stuff with life
- Technology and the state of hip-hop, offering a different perspective on current rap
"Don't Feel Bad" (demo) by Dropjaw, beat by Joey Murphy.
Second segment:
- What is a Christian rapper?
- Hip-hop and rock n roll as the fountain of youth
- Artists: Be yourself, but don't be a turd. Character matters.
- Jerks who make great art
- Is Dropjaw a Christian? That's a complicated question.
- Prayer and questioning faith
- On being a Jehovah's Witness
- His conversion experience to evangelical Christianity
- On break-up rap songs
- On walking away from church and faith
- Is there power in the death and resurrection of Christ?
"Dance" (demo) by Dropjaw.
Third segment:
- Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney
- What are we drinking?
- Beards: beard care with coconut oil and other oils, brushing the beard, why we don't shave down completely, ending the war on "rugs."
- Podcasts that inspire
- Rhymer's Block app - a tool for songwriters
"Still... (Reflections, Part 1)" by Royal Ruckus, Jeremiah Dirt of Shadow of the Locust, and Absent Minded. Music by Grizzly Beats. Lyrics and vocals by Chunjay, Jeremiah Dirt, Absent Minded.
Fourth segment:
- On artistry, positivity, and cussing in certain circumstances - "Talk your dirty mouth!"
- Hip-hop pet peeves?
- Building up other artists in the music scene instead of being critical
- Is it "hip-hop" to treat others with dignity and respect? Or do you have to be a head-hunter?
- Dropjaw's upcoming EP
- Royal Ruckus stepping away from music for a season, RR's 15 releases (mostly indie)
Shoutouts on the podcast to Bad Christian Podcast, Kanye West, LA Symphony, Pigeon John, Cookbook, Spoken Nerd, Dos Equis, Free State Stout, The Risk! Podcast (check out the best-of, and especially Ray Christian), Absent Minded, Bakersfield, Left. E. Grove, Jeremiah Dirt of Shadow of the Locust, Katy Hudson aka Katy Perry, Redcloud, Malachi Perez, Soup the Chemist, and Chunjay's brother Cory Bennett.
Featured Classic: "They Reminisce Over You" by Pete Rock and CL Smooth
http://soundcloud.com/dropjaw | http://twitter.com/dropjah | https://www.facebook.com/Dropjaw-6111569303/
http://summerofthecicadas.com | http://twitter.com/royalruckus | http://facebook.com/royalruckusofficial | http://instagram.com/royalruckusofficial