
Saturday May 14, 2022
Nomadik and Chunjay discuss Brews, Beards, and well.....Shipwrecks
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
Nomadik and Chunjay get together to chat about Ukraine, life, baptisms, cussing, and a whole lot more.
On this episode we have a “just the two of us” episode. Jamey and Nomadik take some time to catch up, check in and talk about some things that have been in our minds and hearts.
We each brought a few things to the table to discuss and took some time to go deeper into those subjects with each other. As always, we discuss what we’re sipping and Nomadik kicks it off talking about the recent collaboration he was blessed to do with Mestizo Coffee and Dudley Perkins.
Jamey discusses the Ukraine crisis and the direct effect it’s having on his life personally. Bouncing off that Nomadik shared the importance of gratitude and how it can shape your thoughts and actions. Jamey brings us into the recent baptism of his son and the beauty of it.
To riff off that Nomadik brings up Mister Rogers and the importance of joy and how it can spread and even in the tough times we can share kindness.
Lastly we move into beard care and some of the different techniques we’ve been implementing in our daily routines. We finish it up with a little discussion about integrating different aspects of life.
And to bring it all home we play an EXCLUSIVE world premier of a song Jamey wrote for an insurance conference called “Expert Opinions”....it's a lot of fun, and you don't want to miss it.
coupon code: shipwrecked

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Matt Wells: Monday Night Brews, Beards, Brews, Shipwrecks & Brews
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Hello Beautiful People! We got an UNRELEASED pre-pandemic episode! This one comes from back in 2017. Jamey sits down with Matt Wells at Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, GA. Matt is a friend of Greg "Manchild" Owens of the legendary crews, Mars Ill and Deepspace5. After the three of them were hanging out, a podcast spontaneously broke out between Jamey and Matt.
They chop it up about music, faith, and, (surprise) beer! Who knew how similar craft beer and music world are, but as the conversation goes on you hear the similarity of songwriting and brewing beer. You'll get insights into the beer industry and brewing, as well as some beer education as well. And naturally, this was recorded inside a brewery!
After the beer talk, Matt talks about growing up in a Southern baptist household, playing music in the church and how it was actually a positive environment for his growth, and how that led to him being in a band, moving to L.A., forming a new band, rejecting a record deal and sticking to his guns.
We close the show with the shipwreck of what led to his divorce, how he's dealt with that, and we finish with his beard care regime and of course one last tasty brew!
Matt isn't really on social media so if you find him cool!
If you live in Atlanta go check out Monday Night Brewing and grab a brew!
You can of course find Chunjay and myself at in Instagram:
Peep out Monday Night brewing on IG @mondaynight
Outro song is Run The Jewels "Blockbuster Night 2"
As always, like share and subscribe!!
Peace and all the love!!
Nomadik Vagabond

Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Paul Robertson: Drums, Rums, & Shipwrecks
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
What up good people!!! It's 2022 and we are alive and well!*
We hope you are living blessed! On this episode we our joined by Paul Robertson of the Drums & Rums podcast. As many know Chunjay and Nomadik Vagabond are both drummers, so it only seemed natural to have a fellow drummer, imbiber (is that even a word?), and podcaster on the show.
We discuss everything from distilling and brewing methods to drummers and multi-genres of music. We just let the rum take us where we needed to go. It was refreshing, fun, and freeing.
What a great way to kick off the year with something light, but still able to get deep on some things. (And yes this was recorded in the late fall, we just thought this would be a great episode to jump off with for the new year.)
Also stay to the end to get a special surprise just for our listeners.
Peace, love, and positivity!!
Nomadik Vagabond
Be sure to check us out at:
You can check us out on Instagram at:
Be sure too see what Paul's up to on drumsandrums.com and give him a follow on instagram at:
make to like, share, and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform
and outro song was "Bust a Move" by Young MC from the album "Stone Cold Rhyming" 1989 The Bicycle Music Company
* Both Nomadik and Chunjay have covid.

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Today we bring you an episode with my Great Grandmother's sister, Mary Daniels. Born in 1907, she faced many difficulties in her life, all of which she tackled with joyful determination. A self-less woman, she exemplifies kindness and contentment in ways that are rarely seen.
We have a special announcement around the 37:37 mark. You'll want to hear that.
Share http://brewsbeards.com with your friends.
- Jamey

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Carlos Aguilar of Mestizo Coffee on the intersection of Religion, Philosophy, and Coffee
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
What is up beautiful people!!! We got a treat for you!! We had the pleasure of chopping it up with Carlos of Mestizo coffee. This episode was a combination of fun and depth. We went deep but still had plenty of laughs. He shared with us his journey into faith by way of evangelical Christianity in his teen years and how he came into adulthood with a different perspective, especially after a backpacking trip across Mexico with a friend.
He talks about the beginnings of his journey into his new faith, while simultaneously discovering "church rap" and "rap rap." When he discovered apologetics he tells us how hip-hop it was, and how it was son some "Malcolm X, NOI, 5% vibes" and how he had to G up for his. As his outlook and perspective started transitioning, he went from apologetics to philosophy and started selling theology and philosophy books after shows.
"The more philosophy you do, there are more appeals to intuition."
Next we move into how he went from seminary and trying to battle on MTV, not being able to do it, but getting other blessings from it....like writing and working in television!
But what about the coffee?
"I had a coffee conversion experience."
When he has his first cup of black coffee, he realized he hasn't been drinking coffee. he also realized that there was a deficit in the latino community with quality coffee. Enter Mestizo Coffee.
"The reason why I'm doing this at all is to connect with people."
Of course we talk about his super dope coffee and artist collaborations with L.A. MC LMNO of the Visionaries crew, producer/MC Peace 586, and the upcoming collaboration with Dudley Perkins.
Listen in and turn it up!!
Music in this episode:
Souls of Mischief -"93 'til Infinity (instrumental) from 1993 album of same name.
Bookworm Brown -"Heaven and Earth" from the 2005 album of the same name.
Be sure to hit up http://Mestizo.coffee, cop some coffee and merchandise! (Also stay tuned fro a discount coupon for listeners.)
Follow Mestizo on Instagram @mestizocoffee
and peep Carlos' music as Bookworm Brown.
Of course you can peep us at BrewsBeards.com.
RoyalRuckus.com for all your ruckus needs.
and of course you can find us on IG:
Nomadik Vagabond

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Yo yo! What's up good people of planet Earth!?! We hope y'all livin' good and healthy. In this episode we get to sit down with our good friend Raphael Fiedler of Orthodox Review. He discusses with us how he got started with his Youtube channel and how it has grown to what it is today. He shares with us his experience in the Orthodox Church and what it means to him.
"Now that I'm trying to live as an Orthodox Christian, I don't think the old me is representative of that at all."
Raphael shares with us his thoughts on his given name vs. baptismal name (we talk about the definition and what that is, don't worry!) and the meaning of a name.
"When you think of Punk Rock you think of rebelling and bucking the system..and what has the orthodox Church done for 2000 years?"
We discuss faith and music and how they intersect and diverge, as well as what certain music, genres, and songs mean to us.
"You got a song that really touches you, how should that be any different than these liturgical songs?"
We move into Raphael's shipwreck and how that has affected him and shaped his attitude on the importance of forgiveness.
"I'm a huge fan of praying for my enemies... we have to forgive everyone... you have to practice forgiveness."
We hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed doing it! It was truly a pleasure to sit down with this brother and share our hearts. Hopefully it will encourage you like it did us.
Be sure to like share and subscribe!
Songs played:
Raphael Fiedler - "Prison"
Cypress Hill - "Hits From The Bong" (instrumental)
Follow Raphael on Instagram and check his Youtube channel to see reviews on some of the latest and greatest Orthodox Christian books.
IG @orthodox_review_
And of course y'all can follow us:
Also don't forget to hit up the Royal Ruckus bandcamp and cop some merch, our boy Jamey just had a baby and needs to buy diapers!
Peace and Love!
Nomadik Vagabond

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
What's up party people!! Hope y'all staying up!! This week we get to sit down with a living legend!! Listen Up! as we talk to the Saved Man in The Jungle as he talks about what feels like Phase III of his life and how he has been bringing Illumination on and off the stage with DJ'ing and his trade as an electrician. He had to Dust off his mic to share with us about the Eargasmic Arrangements he has created. Tune in and turn it up!!
"I'll be real with you, I can't stand that trap stuff."
Soup shares his thoughts and feelings on music today vs. the artform when he was in the industry.
"It's a different hustle now."
We discuss what it's like to create and distribute music vs. how it was when he was hustling in the music biz in the 80's/90'/and early 00's.
"The industry just started changing."
Soup shares his thoughts on the shift in the music industry and how he has had to adapt to those changes.
"There were times when we were 75 deep."
Soup talking on the unity in the early years of his career and working together within the small community fo holy hip hop, and how they would work together and promote each other.
"After the gig to me that's the real ministry"
He talks about how when he would tour and have people tour with him he expected them to be available after the show to talk and interact with people instead of just performing and calling it a night. You'll hear him talk about tour stories with Peace 586, Dynamic Twins , Gospel Gangstas, and P.I.D. and maybe hear some antics and tour pranks (like one involving a doorway, bucket and unexacting member of a certain duo).
We also go into DJ'ing, producing, and how he was preparing to be performing again for a gospel hip-hop documentary called "Mic Drop" You get to hear him talk about what he had to do to get his instrumentals from his albums so he's not rapping over his vocals! We also discuss the book he has written called "Through My Windows" which is his story/biography and also a little history of the "gospel" hip hop scene.
"With all this social media it should be easier for cats to be loving on each other."
You can hear us speaking on the state of hip-hop today and the unity and lack thereof.
"If it wasn't for Cookbook that record would've never came out"
We get into the recording process of his 'Eargasmic Arrangements" album, the collaborations he had on there and how they came about, and how this was his most highly bootlegged album! We then go into him speaking of late friend and producer Gene Eugene, how they recorded together and built a friendship and how they were on jam master jay's guest list at the House of Blues!
Lastly we discuss his latest venture of starting "Limelight Bar & Grill" in Jamaica. How he saw the opportunity and wanted to build a place to hang out and it's proximity to some historical Jamiacan sites, and how he's using it to take care of the locals.
And you will definitely hear the reverence and plain joy we had speaking with this man.
Thanks for listening in! Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and let us now what you think! Hit our DM on instagram and we will get back to you!!
You can follow us on instagram at:
and peep Soup the Chemist on IG at:
Also be sure to pick up his book "Through My Windows" and peep his bar and grill in Jamaica @limelightjamaica. Also make sure to peep his back catalog on all the streaming services and if you feel hit up iTunes to download or Amazon to maybe purchase a hard copy. Of course make sure to check out RoyalRuckus.Bandcamp.com to cop some merch or downloads. Also be sure to check out Soups discography with SFC and solo albums. You can find them on Amazon. maybe your local record store, wherever you stream and download music. Make sure to cop some of his music, support a legend!
S.F.C./Soup discography:
S.F.C. "Listen UP!" 1989 Broken Records
S.F.C. "A Saved Man In The Jungle" 1990 Broken Records
S.F.C. "Phase III" 1992 Word/Epic Records
S.F.C. "Illumination" 1994 Brainstorm Artists
Sūp The Chemist "Dust" 2000 Uprok Records
Soup The Chemist "Eargasmic Arrangements 2003 Beesyde Records
Songs you hear are:
Myka Nyne "7th Seal"
Soup The Chemist "Starving Artist"
Volume 10 "Pistil Grip Pump"
Outro track- Sūp The Chemist "Language of Imagination"
Nomadik Vagabond
Peace 586
Victory Outreach
Dynamic Twins
Gospel Gangstas
JC & the Boyz
Brainwash Projects
Fred Lynch and PID
Gospel hip-hop documentary
Sharlock Poems
Gene Eugene
Jon Gibson
Adam Again
Limelight bar and grill

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Vocab Malone used to rap with a lot of the same cats that Royal Ruckus ran with. He now talks to people about his Christian faith via livestream, and recently ruffled some feathers online with some Orthodox Christians. Jamey and Clayton have him on to get to know him and open a friendly conversation. He also shares some super interesting stuff about a group known as the "Black Hebrew Israelites."
He brought his friend Alberto along, who was a lot of fun too.
We talk about eating crickets, rapping and preaching on the street, a bit about theology, and quite a bit about hip-hop. We also have the usual chat about beard care and brews.
Featured song: "Christos Anesti" by Royal Ruckus, Unexpected Joy EP
Featured song: "Happy Hardcore" by Vocab Malone
Alberto Nungaray Meraz
@urban_apologetics on Instagram
Vocab Malone
@vocabmalone twitter fb insta
@streetapologist twitter fb insta
Jamey Bennett aka Chunjay of Royal Ruckus
New podcast www.badbooksofthebible.com
@NomadikVagabond instagram
@brewsbeards instagram
Mid-show plug for The Areopagus Podcast with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick and Pastor Michael Landsman, which features Chunjay on the most recent episode.

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
The average man knows little of cicadas, thinks rarely of cicadas. And yet on the rare occasion he hears the word “cicada,” his mind invariably drifts off into those few truths about the insects which he was taught in grade school: the cicada lives underground for seventeen years, emerges briefly, dies. A certain kind of man cannot recall such claims without immediately thinking of himself, staring into the distance, and wondering if he is truly a man, or if he is, in fact, a cicada.
The life cycle of a cicada appeals to a man.
Royal Ruckus has created a two part album called The Summer of the Cicadas (streaming everywhere), which was released in 2017.
In honor of 2021's cicada summer in much of America, we are releasing this episode containing four distinct interviews about the album and about the symbolism of cicadas. Jamey sits down with various interviewees and covers a ton of topics...fasting, faith, hip-hop, creating music, and a bit about bugs.
The life cycle of a cicada appeals to a man.
We read the infamous cicada essay.
Ancient Faith Presents...
- Featured song: Time for Us (featuring Bonafied of Grits)
- https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/features/royal_ruckus
The Outlet - Da Gr8 FM
- https://www.instagram.com/dagr8fm/
- Featured song: "Lost Boys" (featuring CookBook & Eligh)
- Featured song: "Departures" (featuring Jeremiah Bonds & KC Jones)
- Featured song: "The Waitress Song"
Food, Faith, and Fasting
Indie Music Live!
- https://indiemusicplus.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajNWaizHp9g
- Featured song: "Summer's Last Call"
Follow us on @brewsbeards on instagram and share http://brewsbeards.com with others.
Thanks for listening, drop that 5 star rating, and send questions or other feedback to jamey@jameyb.com.
Episode produced and mixed by Chunjay.
Also check out: http://badbooksofthebible.com

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Welcome to another D.I.T.A (Diggin' In The Archives) episode. We take a step back in time to 2017 on Ancient Faith Radio's the Areopagus podcast, with Father Andrew Stephen Damick and Pastor Mike Landsman, where they interview Chunjay about his his family's history with the Mormon faith, growing up evangelical and exploring Protestantism, and what eventually led him to the Orthodox Christian Faith. Plenty of fun banter to make you smile!!!
Follow us on instagram at:
and you can find the Areopagus podcast on Ancient faith radio
or wherever you listen to podcast. You can find them on facebook and you can find father Andrew on instagram at @asdamick.
Closing song- Royal Ruckus "Still" from the album "Summer of the Cicadas".
Nomadik Vagabond
The Areopagus podcast appears courtesy of Ancient Faith Radio.