
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
What's up good people!! Glad to be back after some time away. A lot going on in both of our lives right now but, we're here and do we have a treat for you!! In the episode we sit down with the one and only Sev Statik of the legendary Tunnel Rats and Deepspace5 super-crews.
On beards: "Mine was growing nice and girthy."
Sev lets us in on what his beard-care regime is and how he treats his beard for the east cost weather. He shares how he sees the brotherhood being formed through beard culture, and how it can reenforce positive make relationships.
"I had one kid in the stroller, then I had one kid walking next to the stroller, while I'm holding my son on the way to the park."
Sev shares with us his journey of fatherhood and what it means to be a father, and juggling family life while holding down a job and his music career.
"They both hit at the same time."
We get into the early years of his music career, how he got into two crews simultaneously, and the recording process of those projects. He also shares about the Albany hip-hop scene and how he came up and still represents for the 518! "You have to represent where you're from so people know."
"The churches were always segregated, but the community's always integrated, because we were poor."
Next we move into Sev's spiritual journey growing up in the Catholic church, the influence of the 5% Nation, and what eventually led him into Freemasonry. We wrap it up with what he has taken away from his spiritual journey and how he applies it to his life now.
Nomadik Vagabond
Follow us on instagram
and you find Sev on instagram
also peep what he's been doing with the Albany youth. On youtube look up Fly Write "Fly Write" and also his latest project on bandcamp at:

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Hello world! We got a fun filled episode that will have you laughing! This is an episode from the archives where Chunjay and Joey the Jerk (of L.A. Symphony) basically reverse interview each other and see how much they know about one another.
We kick it off with Joey talking about how he doesn't really feel inclined to rap anymore:
“I’d rather just dis through conversation and actually say what I want to say as opposed to make it try to rhyme.”
“It’s a lot of work when you try to say something.”
“I’m not even trying to invite you to think differently. I think conversations should work this way: I should hear what you say, and say, ‘You know what, I understand, what you’re saying and I understand how you came to that point. I might totally disagree with you, but I get how you got there and I understand what you’re trying to say. I think that is not heard here, you cannot even get there here with a lot of people.” - On California
“I think they just gave up hope.” “Were they in Los Angeles? Maybe that’s where I need to move!” - Joey on Bakersfield
“Pee underwear on my head!
-Joey discussing some interesting parenting techniques.
“My mom sowed the seed of Jesus and I think that’s kinda what’s bearing fruit. And my dad sowed the seed of education, he was from Africa…”
-Joey on what his parents instilled in him even through tough times.
Peace y'all and hope you enjoy the episode!
Nomadik Vagabond
As always be sure to follow us on Instagram
Closing song "Burn It To The Ground" by Royal Ruckus featuring Krum and Joey The Jerk off of the album Summer of the Cicadas. (Go cop it at royalruckus.bandcamp.com)
As always be sure to subscribe, rate (5 Stars!), review, and share with your friends, family and random people on the bus!

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Deacon Michael of Lawrence, KS on Living with Cancer, and Loving People and Reggae.
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
On this segment we talk about his life with cancer and how that has influenced his outlook on life.

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Jeremiah Dirt: Hip-Hop, Homelessness, and Hot Chocolate
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Greetings wonderful people!! We hope you all have been well. We are extremely excited to bring you this episode with the one and only Jeremiah Dirt, the founding father of the Shadow of the Locust rap collective.
"Definitely never got into beer, I always thought it tasted like pee pee."
We start off discussing beverages as usual and then get into music and his early days experiencing homelessness as a kid and teenager, how the Rasta community in San Diego cared for him during these times, and how he found a love for the Scriptures and reggae music. This also leads us to discussing dreadlocks and the meaning behind them.
"You have an enemy and it's not God."
We also get into how his faith in God sustained him through difficult life experiences: homelessness, abuse, divorce.
"God fixes things."
We move into music discussing his 20 plus year catalog and you get to hear an impromptu debate on who the best/favorite member of the Wu-Tang Clan is!
Thanks for listening and as always be sure to share with your family, friends, and even enemies!
And as always like and subscribe and follow on Instagram:
and you can find Jeremiah Dirt on instagram:
And be sure to hit up
- http://jeremiahdirt.com
- http://shadowofthelocust.com
- http://jeremiahdirt.bandcamp.com
- and http://shadowofthelocust.bandcamp.com
- to get some good music in your life!
Lastly hit up http://royalruckus.bandcamp.com to get more music and fresh gear as well!
The songs you heard were:
Dirt "A Chapter A Day" from the album "Plague" Rescue Records 1999
Dirt "Blunted Edge" from the album "A War to Restore" Syntax Records 2000
Eric B and Rakim "Microphone Fiend" UNI Records 1988
Jeremiah Dirt ft. J. Givens and Illustrate "Feel the Break" from the album Rebel Lion 2018
Peace and Blessings!
- Nomadik Vagabond

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Greetings world!!! Happy New Year and we pray you're all in good health and bright spirits. On this episode we got the chance to sit down with Quiet Entertainer, a DJ, producer, musician and all around great guy.
"I realized the lockdown took away my only social outlet, which was shows."
We discuss how the pandemic/quarantine/lockdown has changed the way we socialize. Quiet Entertainer takes us on his journey of 100 cups of coffee with 100 people, how the idea came about, and how he changed his original purpose of the plan after one cup of coffee with a friend.
"They were all drinking beer and I just wanted to fit in."
Quiet Entertainer talks about how he hasn't found a beer yet he has liked and also how he got into hard cider and what brands and flavors he prefers, and how he's trying to track down a watermelon flavored cider. (If y'all know of any or got the connections let him know!)
"I'm a pretty good listener, so I default to being quiet."
Lastly we discuss what he has gotten out of the 100 cups conversations and how he has noticed how much people are needing somebody to talk to and what it can mean to just listen.
That's it for this episode... until next time. Peace and Blessings
As always, like share, and subscribe.
- Nomadik Vagabond
You can find us on instagram
and Quiet Entertainer can be found at
@quietentertainer on Instagram and his music can be found at:
and streaming on Spotify, Apple Music and everywhere else.
Closing song:
Artist: Quiet Entertainer
Album: Dream Sequencer (2012)
Song: Insomniac (remix)

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
On this episode we bring out a favorite interview Chunjay did on a segment of the Pirate Monk podcast a few years back. Chunjay discusses the challenges of tour life, and goes behind the music a bit. They also discuss the Samson Society and the importance of men supporting each other and speaking into one another’s lives, especially during rough periods in life. They also share some Christmas tunes... Thanks for listening and as always like, share and subscribe!
- Nomadik Vagabond
You can find us on instagram at:
And you can find the Pirate Monk podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. And to find out more about the Samson Society visit samsonsociety.com

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Welcome to another episode!! This week we talk with newly dubbed crew member Alexandra Craig, about dealing with the loss of her husband John “J-Qwess” Craig to cancer. He was also a friend of Chunjay’s, which makes this episode extra special. Listen as you get the deeper meaning of the dandelion, how to cope with loss during the holidays, and especially how to hold on when it gets tough. Forgive the recording glitches, we zoomin in 3 times zones and trying our best!! Hope it blesses y’all!!
✌🏼 Nomadik Vagabond
You can find us at:
website: http://brewsbeards.com
@brewsbeards on instagram
@royalruckusofficial on instagram and facebook
@royalruckus on twitter
@nomadikvagabond on instagram
@alexandracraig524 on instagram
@alexandra_hope_craig on TikTok
@candidcraigs on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thecandidcraigs

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Chunjay Interview
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Greetings people!!!
Last week you got to get to know Nomadik Vagabond more. This week we turn the tables and Nomadik take the helm and interviews Chunjay. You might learn some things about him you didn’t know and maybe some things you already knew. As always thanks for listening, subscribe, rate, review.
Peace and Blessings,
Chunjay and Nomadik Vagabond
Find us on instagram:
Ending song from the Royal Ruckus “Summer of the Cicadas” album. Song title, “Lost Boys” featuring Cookbook and Eligh.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Nomadik Vagabond Interview
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This week in the first ever zoom-cast. Chunjay interviews new co-host Nomadik Vagabond. Listen in as you hear how he got on Chunjay's radar and what led him to being on the podcast. You'll also hear Nomadik's journey through life and spiritual seeking, as well as how he came to love hip-hop, and how reggae led him to the Orthodox church. Along the way you'll hear some fun banter and maybe some things you didn't know.
Shouts out to Soup the Chemist, Fortside brewing, Jamey's homemade kombucha, and all the people tuning in!
You can follow us on Instagram at:
Chunjay and Nomadik Vagabond

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
We're back! Let's get into the joys and Shipwrecks in Royal Ruckus songs...
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Hey folks,
It's been more than a minute since I've checked in and said hello.
I'm sorry for my absence, but I've got to be honest, the things I've been doing have been quite excellent. For example, I got married, and that is incredible and required my full attention for quite some time!
And sure, there have been difficulties—my, oh my, haven't we all?
This was a chance I had to feature some of my music, explain a few things, and hit some highlights from our history. This is the first episode with my boy Nomadik Vagabond, and I think that's quite remarkable. Enjoy.
Shout outs to CookBook, Soup the Chemist, Nomadik Vagabond, Johnny Bishop, OffRoadHipHop, DJ Sean P, Joey the Jerk, Pigeon John, and plenty of others!
Stay healthy!
Chunjay aka Jamey Bennett